Synapse Network
7 min readMay 24, 2024


What is CARV? How would you describe your project to someone who has little experience with the DeFi world and has only just joined the crypto ecosystem during this latest bull market?

Paul Delio

I think I can easily explain our project’s layout: CARV is building the largest modular data layer for gaming, AI, and everything in between!

We have three main products:

CARV Play, CARV Protocol, and our CARV AI Agent: CARA

CARV Play It’s our discovery site in which users build out their identities and projects can quickly find high-quality community members.

CARV Protocol lets you aggregate your identity on one IDNFT (CARV ID) and get rewarded for sharing your data with us.

CARA Is an AI Agent and Telegram Bot optimized for enhanced discovery and optimization of your channels.

Key Traction Statistics for our Project are as follows.

We count under our belt :

- 750+ games & AI companies integrated into the CARV ecosystem (onboarded officially 30%+ all Web3 games)

- 2.5M+ registered players, of which 1M+ MAU & 900K CARV ID (ERC7231) unique on-chain holders, with 5.7M+ on-chain attestations

- Ranking top 3 globally with 500K+ avg. Daily UAW. (also ranking #1 across Ronin, zkSync, and Linea, deployed on 40+ chains.)

- $1M monthly recurring revenue; $30M ARR in the pipeline.

And here are some of our most notable backers with which we raised $20M in private fundraising:

Temasek Vertex, HashKey Capital, ConsenSys, Tribe Capital, IOSG, OKX Ventures, Draper Dragon, No Limit Holdings, Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC), Fenbushi Capital, Arweave, etc.


I have to admit that when we were analyzing your project I was impressed by its complexity and the sheer scope of products you offer, It is very cool to see a project that does something useful and technologically original, I keep my fingers crossed for your progress!


Thank you for the kind words! CARV to the moon!


Moon is the only right destination!

One of your main products is your NODEs, more precisely, the NFTs representing the license of rights to each NODEs. Can you tell us what they are and what role they play in your project’s ecosystem? Who are the user that launches a Node, and what role do they play in your world?

Paul Delio

A user who chooses to purchase one of our verifier nodes will be contributing to the decentralization of the CARV ecosystem.

The nodes are in place to complete our end-to-end data process! They sit at the bottom of our protocol to make sure that each of our layers is operating and doing what it is supposed to!

We have allocated 25% of the CARV token supply to our verifier node runners to ensure that the foundation of our protocol is as solid as possible.


It sounds simple enough, but most people often wonder what NODES are, how to get them up and running, and what they are for, however, it is hard to describe it to a layman in simple terms, the fact that you are building something as big as CARV and can still make money from it is often the biggest selling point since projects like your tends to have very steep upkeep costs especially early on. Carv is handling the pressure pretty well I must say !

Paul Delio

Yes, very well said!

You have a lot of partners such as OKX Ventures, Arweave, Hashkey Capital, and many others, can you tell us a little bit more about the areas in which you collaborate and what marketing activities you have prepared for your community for the next months of development?


Yup, those are some great investors of ours!

We have over 300+ gaming partners, ranging from Shrapnel to even smaller games! We have great infra partners like Zksync Linea and Ronin! We are the number 1 app on ZK and Linea and number 2 on Ronin behind Pixels, but we recently partnered with Aethir for cloud gaming! We are very bullish on this front!

CarvXAethir Cloud Gaming Status


It looks like there is nothing to complain about with your marketing and your partnerships, you are doing an amazing job, and the contacts with Aethir only confirm that you are about to have another arrow in your quiver, Carv is already becoming a brilliant gem that can interact with multiple huge projects proudly! Well done Paul!


We like Aethir a lot, and they appear to reciprocate!

Each person who decides to purchase and launch NODE can expect rewards in return for their contribution to building CARV. Can you tell us something about the $CARV tokens that will be earned by processing NODE? What utility will they have and what will they be needed for?


Yes as we briefly mentioned previously:

25% of the total supply will be allocated to our CARV Nodes 🔥

50% will be emitted in our first year

The $CARV token will power a lot of various products. Imagine a lot of user experiences on CARV Play can be powered by CARV (gas payments, just to give you a broad example)

The nodes will emit veCARV and our escrow Carv will be used for voting power in our Campaign, Infinite Play!

To give a little bit of perspective, Infinite Play has over 500,000 uaw participating daily, which will already give a lot of flexibility to our token.

Moreover, users will be able to stake to different reward pools that our partnered games put up

You can check everything out here: Carv Airdrop Protocol


I encourage anyone interested in an interesting earning system to check out the #CARV ecosystem and read out their documentation! Of course, the number one rule is to do your own research! However, Carv has already convinced me plenty!

Please explain what problems CARV solves, and how your project is expected to improve blockchain technology, also, can you please tell us what you think CARV is better at compared to the current competition in the market?


I love the “What problem do we solve?” part since all we aim to do is provide an equal playing field between big games/companies and users.

Our main mission is to provide monetization opportunities to our millions of users.

When you come to CARV and aggregate your credentials, you’re actually opting into a passive rev stream for life.

Imagine a web3 game (RPG) comes to CARV to do user acquisition. Let’s say they want users who meet the following


Spending behavior.

Game Stats and preferences.

CARV can effectively deliver on this ask. Not only can we deliver, but if you are a user the game is looking for, you will earn a % of the fee they paid CARV to conduct the UA. That is the big issue we are solving.

We are giving gamers the money they are owed to provide their data to us, without actually accessing private information, while being transparent about the whole process. We see a lot of monoliths of the market blatantly steal your data, so we instead decided to pay you for it.

And on the other end, we are also solving user acquisition issues in the gaming industry, solving two problems with the same solution.


It makes sense, the environment you operate in and the opportunities you offer will be the key to success, many people are already interested in your product, and I think that we will see the amazing height your project can achieve with a bit more growth!

Tell us about your team, who are you, what have you done before, what experience you have in this particular field, and what are the most important tenets to you as a team.

Paul Delio

I am the chief business officer at CARV, I have been professionally working in the space for 3+ years and have held this position for 15 months! I worked for Real Madrid a few years back, I did my MBA in Spain, and I did my undergrad at USC:

Paul Delio

You can find more information about us here on our Website or ask about us here on our Telegram.


Trust in the team is a very important thing, after all, no one these days would entrust their funds to people who don’t know what they are doing and don’t have the skills or experience to fall back on when building a project from the ground up, I’m glad that you approach this professionally and are open about who you are!

If you had to convince an undecided person to invest in CARV, what would you tell them to take an interest in the NODES you offer?

I would say if you care about decentralizing the CARV network, if you care about data ownership, then take a chance on us.

We have the right partners, we have the traction, we have the team. I am thrilled to be at CARV and make history with the rest of our partners.

If none of your questions got answered tonight, join our communities. Chat with us! We will be more than open to answer all of your questions.


Here we have the official CARV linktr3:

Carv Linktr3

Everybody let’s check them out!

TOP Questions

1. Conor

The name ‘CARV’ is very interesting. Is there a story behind it? Can you share the inspiration for choosing this name?


CARV your name in gaming history basically. Carv is synonymous with mint here, or carving your path in the world maybe as a double meaning.

2. David

Do you guys feel satisfied by seeing your progress and achievements till now, when you look back to the day when you started $CARV?


Yes, I am satisfied but we have so much more to accomplish. $CARV isn’t even launched yet and there is a lot to come!

3. Lucky

Collaboration, partnerships, and investor support are pivotal for project success. Can you please share the list of CARV’s supporters, partners, and investors who play a significant role in the project’s growth and development?


We will release an ecosystem post this week on X, so stay tuned and don’t miss it! You can find us here so share your thoughts with us when we drop the news!

About Synapse Network

Synapse Network is developing a cross-chain investment and start-up acceleration ecosystem based on blockchain technology to give everybody an equal chance to contribute to great upcoming projects and to do so early on. We are bridging the gap between the traditional & crypto markets. The idea of the Synapse Network technology goes beyond the standard offer of launchpads available on the market, becoming a true technological brand providing tech solutions.

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