Decentraweb IDO Whitelisting Result
Another IDO has concluded, and we at the Synapse Network are once again surprised by the always growing number of participants.
Winner lists:
We were already aware of the outreach we have had in the past, but to see the community cheer us on and support our choices time and time again it’s something special for our team.
We also already knew that people wouldn’t have slept on the possibilities offered by Decentraweb, with their revolutionary domain technology, but it’s nice to receive a confirmation once again that our community can and will recognize high-value projects.
Decentraweb will reach its objective, especially with the help from us and from you all, and one day break down this monopoly that big tech companies have built on the internet, one step at a time, just like us, taking away space from the elitist investors of the mainstream market.
This is another reason why we are so invested in DecentraWeb.
They saw a monopoly, a difficult to access sub-system of the market, just as we did, and moved to create a valuable, profitable project that will bring much more freedom to both private users and companies while also taking down a peg those massive entities that have plagued the market for years and years with their iron grip.
That’s why the support you have shown to Decentraweb and to our project is something really important, and we will keep going above and beyond every obstacle to deliver what we promised, to make this revolution happen, sooner than later.
But now, let’s focus on the moment, and give you a rundown of the winners and of our selection process for this IDO.
Additional information
- Total entries: 317235
- Total Impressions: 18436
- Total Actions before verification: 53605
- Total Actions after verification: 53009
- Total Users before verification: 7463
- Total wallets: 4891
- Total wallets after verification:4808
- Total points from Gleam after verification: 294725
- The average number of points per account: 61
- Chance to win: 1.227%
We prepared the spreadsheet containing every person who registered using Gleam and passed the KYC process. The spreadsheet includes three columns:
- Assigned consecutive number
- ERC20WalletAddress
- Points (Total points)
You can find a CSV under the link below:
To dispel any possible doubt, we are publishing the SHA256 online hash file checksum function. Anyone is able to check the hash value — this proves that the data has not been tampered with.
You can check it by yourself, for example using PowerShell, or any other SHA256 :
Get-FileHash .\fileName.csv -Algorithm SHA256 |Format-List
We used a contest selection contract that is available to check on our Github repository under this link:
The contract is verified and available to check under this link:
The contract is keeping links to the Google files with data included in the CSV file as well as containing a SHA256 hash of the CSV file.
The contract gets a random value from the Chainlink VRF.
Based on a random value, x unique numbers in the range from 0-to-n are generated.
Where each new unique number is also a new random value for the function, and n is the number of winners for Gleam contest.
winnerSeed = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(previousWinnerSeed, i, nonce)));
winnerIndex = (winnerSeed % ticketsCount) + 1;
Using the contract, we were able to select: 65 random numbers matching the numbers from the CSV file, where the winners were the first 60 unique ERC20 addresses.
Everything is verifiable on-chain, links to transactions are posted below.
A CSV file with winners is published here:
About Synapse Network
Synapse Network is developing a cross-chain investment and start-up acceleration ecosystem based on blockchain technology to give everybody an equal chance to contribute to great upcoming projects and to do so early on. We are bridging the gap between the traditional & crypto market. The idea of the Synapse Network technology goes beyond the standard offer of launchpads available on the market, becoming a true technological brand providing tech solutions.
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