Pirates of the Arrland AMA SUMMARY

Synapse Network
14 min readFeb 3, 2023


Pirates of the Arrland is the first game ever to combine MOBA mechanics with an economic and strategy-based gaming ecosystem developed in a pirate world directly by the players. Can you tell us when the idea to create this project came about and why you chose the games industry in connection with blockchain technology? What are the pros and cons of using these solutions in your opinion?


The idea for a game about pirates was born in the head of @ArrlandMarcin more than 2 years ago and was created as a quick and simple arcade game.

In late 2021, together with @ArrlandDominik, they created the first collection of 10000 NFT pirate characters. In the following months, the game evolved according to the needs of the community around the project.


I’ve been following your project for a long time, I was ‘captivated’ by your approach to graphics, in crypto we don’t have many projects that can boast such an interesting approach to this issue.


I think all three of us are fans of games about pirates, in our youth we played Sid Mayer’s Pirates on the Commodore C64 which inspired us to implement some ideas taken from there in a modern game.

I myself am a born gamer, having played World of Warcraft for a dozen years or so, and even then I saw the point of play and earn. Farming character levels, gold and other items was monetized, but these economies belonged to the game developer, in this case Blizzard.

The games industry and blockchain technology are a natural fit due to the benefits offered by the decentralized and secure nature of blockchain. Incorporating blockchain into game development enables players to have true ownership of their in-game assets, leading to a more immersive gaming experience.

The combination of the growth of the games industry and the potential benefits offered by blockchain technology makes it an exciting space to be a part of.


I remember the days of wow, mu online or Tibia, in those days someone smart was already able to make money by trading items, today blockchain games offer us definitely more, and it’s cool that a native project is entering the cryptocurrency scene!

I fully agree, I somewhat regret that in the good old days, there was no such thing as a cryptocurrency, I think I would have a lot more money now haha, but you who are here with us, dear community, have the opportunity to make up for it, if you haven’t had the chance to play a game built on blockchain yet, with help comes Arrland!


In addition, blockchain gives a lot of transparency in the game economy as well as the chance to create something really valuable through smart contracts and the security of the network, especially one like Ethereum on which our project is based by developing layers two, ImmutableX for NFT and Polygon for ERC-20 tokens.


We are living in an age where the gamer, is no longer a kid playing on a console, in fact, it is a profession that people make a living from, I think the adoption of cryptocurrencies in terms of gaming will be huge during the next bull market.


Exactly. It is a huge entertainment business, with a lot of sponsors who want publicity with the gaming equipment they produce, and other branches

Please tell us who you are, where you are from, who is in your team, and what experience you have in the IT and crypto industries. Gaining the trust of potential investors is an important part of preparing for a bull market, who are the people you work with?


I am Norbert the COO of Pirates of the Arrland. I am a retired professional soldier, who served as a specialist in logistics, procurement, and equipment management. I graduated with honours in computer science and econometrics from the West Pomeranian business school. I have also been involved in eCommerce since 2005 and in trading risky assets, both equities, and futures. I am also a born gamer, I started playing chess at the age of 5. after 2020 I became interested in crypto after the halving of bitcoin and especially the play-to-earn trend. in 2021 I co-founded the Crypto Mayhem, the first polish game-fi project. I was responsible for business development and building a community. I build the biggest polish P2E community around the project. Unfortunately, my previous team’s misunderstanding of the importance of the community as a partner in the project caused too many conflicts between us. So I decided to quit and join the Arrland guys to help them grow.


That sounds very interesting, I respect all soldiers, active or former, it’s cool that you found your haven and the field you loved, it’s important to do what gives us fun in life, and when it gives us a good income as well, what to say, heaven on earth!


Our Head-of-Studio Marcin Bednarski has 10 years of experience in the game dev industry as a game producer. Marcin has a strong background in developing games, with several released on Steam. Although Marcin is not from the crypto world, his expertise in the game dev industry will be valuable for the project.


Best regards to Marcin Bednarski! Such a man on board is certainly valuable.


Dominik Szopa our web3 lead has 10 years in the web development industry, and 3 years in smart contracts development (huge exp in SC, backend dev). Frederico Pires CEO of Arrlabs, 5 years in Utrust project with developed experience in Growth Hacking, Business Intelligence and Data Visualisation (blockchain industry). Arrland team consists of experts in various fields, including Growth Hacking, Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Gamedev, Web Development, Smart Contracts, financial markets, web3 and blockchain. We also have network programmers, game developers, front-end developers, and 3D animators with a range of professional experience. Our team’s diverse skill set and experience allow us to create a high-quality computer game based on blockchain technology.


I have to admit that you have a very experienced team, this is of course best demonstrated by the project itself and the game you are creating, as I mentioned at the beginning, I am particularly impressed by how the game looks, and the kind of feeling that this is a real game and not a project that has come to make money and disappear, well done! Now on to the third question!

Now let’s talk about the RUM token, how will the community holding your token be rewarded, please expand on the usefulness of the RUM, could you tell us what it will be used for, and what the user can count on? Most of them definitely want to find out as much as possible about income opportunities.


This is the main flow chart of our tokens

The main utility of the RUM token is minting NFTs, either from Initial NFT offering, like Genesis Pirates or Islands and also the new NFTs, like young pirates reproduction, crafting items, ships, upgrading items, this is not all, minting ARRC token which is currency of the game also needs a portion of RUM token to be spent


This picture answers one very important question, why do people like to drink RUM? I’m running with the answer! Because it has a great deal of utility, just like your token!


Half of the spent RUM token is burned, the other half is going back to the ecosystem, divided between treasury (rewards for playing the game) and future development and maintenance of the game. All of those utilities make our token strongly deflationary, removing a lot of RUM supply from the circulation. After burning 85% of total supply the burning process will stop.

This diagram shows how is looking the process of minting NFTs using the RUM token.


Deflation, burning, on top of that a great variety of uses like crafting, upgrading, reproduction, minting and much more, I praise you, really good work with the functionality


There is no guaranteed income, but everybody can imagine what the future will bring to this ecosystem when the game will get traction. At this moment we have nice volumes on NFT marketplace, ppl. minting and speculating on NFT items, and the numbers are growing every day.


I think the project will defend itself during the bull market and show that it is worth a lot, you have experience, a nice team, and good utilities (and this is very important) on top of that you are ahead of the bull market, so everything is really well planned, keep it up!

Tell us a little bit about the world in which the game characters are located, everyone is curious to know what the possibilities of your game allow, many of us are fans of open-world games, so it would be nice to see what the game looks like and learn more about its mechanics, after all, fun is also important!


Our ecosystem is a combination of 3 types of games:

One is a multiplayer online battle arena where players take on the role of pirates and fight against each other in 2 teams. Currently, only land-based combat is possible in this mode, but in a few months, we plan to introduce sea-based combat as well.

Another mode of the game is private island, players can create your own mini metaverse on their NFT islands, gather resources, construct buildings, decorate their island in sanbox style, produce goods, invite friends


Very cool combination, watching the video gave me an idea, why not consider a Battle Royal game mode? Imagine creating the world’s first BR on blockchain in the pirate universe!


Battle Royale mode you can host on your own island


Is this what heaven looks like? I feel mega-surprised by the possibilities you offer in Arrland!


Referring to the open world, I am obliged to mention the third game mode, which is the strategic mode, combining all the islands into one common world

The goods created on your private island can be exchanged with the ARRC token. Some goods you will need to buy from other players, whether to build facilities or to produce more advanced goods or NFT items, whether weapons, tools or ships.


I’ve been a strategy fan for as long as I can remember, so this mode looks very promising in my eyes.


Players fighting in the battle arena will need gunpowder, bullets and cannonballs, as well as other things like food and mana-renewing drinks. You will be able to deliver them, or you will produce them for yourself if you also like to fight as a pirate and destroy the enemy with powerful weapons.

The Arrland archipelago also includes dangerous waters, where there are islands that are not NFT tokens and you can fight over them, you will also be able to attack other ships in these waters that have unwittingly found themselves there.

For sea voyages, your crew will need food, and to ensure that you have an advantage in sea battles also weapons, cannons, gunpowder and ammunition. All this will be supplied by the players themselves to the ecosystem.

This infographic shows how the 3 modes are interconnected in one common sustainable ecosystem. I must also mention that the economic elements of the private island mode will also be available in strategy mode from the web app and mobile app, especially since not everyone has high-end gaming equipment and has the time to spend long hours in the game. In this way, we bring players with different preferences together in one ecosystem, adding value and building a game for all, meeting the expectations of players from the traditional market as well as players from web3 gaming.

The Pirates of the Arrland is a 3D game set in your authorial world, as far as I know, you use the Unity 2021 HDRP engine. Would you tell us how the technique you use differs from competing projects offering similar solutions, what makes you different and better in your opinion?


I think that the best person who can answer this question is our Head of the studio, as he is a professional game developer with over 10 years of experience and hundreds of copies published on Steam sold.


Marcin will be joining us soon!


Hello guys. I’ll answer your question!

Yes, we use Unity 2021 HDRP engine. Also, Arrland is our authorial world which gives us total freedom to create and use our imagination. We use the most proven and reliable solutions that make the game should be stable and easy to debug. Our game is actually a combination of 3 different games, as well as a web and mobile application. As Norbert mentioned to You before.

I would also like to add that we believe that by using only proven components and processing them by professionals who have professional backgrounds in other game dev projects, our team uses resources more efficiently. We are also creating the game with traditional players in mind, and the gameplay will be able to carry the fun for many months and years. Also, the ability to enter our world from three different perspectives is something that clearly sets our project apart from others.


OK, fine, let’s move on to the next question Marcin, the fact that you have cool technology and you certainly stand out with your own graphics compared to other games is a very big plus and I think even the foundation of the project, apart from the usability of course.

You also use in your game a broad spectrum of objects that exist thanks to NFT technology which, it is fairly safe to say, has already become an inseparable part of blockchain games. Could you tell us more about the NFTs you offer and about this technology, what future do you see for it?


Thank you very much for your kind words. However, I would still like to add that what you can currently observe in our screenshots and videos is a prototype version of the graphics. We are currently working on the Alpha version, which has much better-quality graphics and animations. Also, you will soon see the quality of graphics that will become our target quality.


You’ve already done a lot for such an early version of the game, it’s worth highlighting, we’re all here impressed with the development progression.


Yes, this is another thing that sets our project apart. We have a lot of assets that have different uses in gameplay and have a strong impact on the game. Through the use of IMX, we try to save the costs that the player incurs when playing the game. With this solution, transfers, mints, and trades are gasless and fast. Also, they are secure thanks to Ethereum.

Despite a large number of items available to players, we try to make everything clear and each item has its own unique use. For example, we do not offer players 100 different swords and 50 rock guns that differ little from each other, but only a few types, the use of which will give a completely different feeling to the player.


Safety is very important as well as cost reduction on the player or project side, well done!

This is a very good step, in blockchain games (or games in general) there is a ‘fashion’ for quantity and not quality, so if you go the quality route and that is the one I know you have chosen, you don’t have to fear for your position in the crypto world.


Anything else you would like to add in relation to this question or are you ready for another?


I might also add that any person can check right now how our game works and how many positive emotions it brings. Already more than once we have witnessed players playing Arrland trembling during the exciting end when the scales of victory tipped to one side or the other. And this is just the beginning of our journey of building Arrland’s game versum. It shows that we are capable of completing and delivering this project in the quality and time we promise. We can move on to the next question!

Imagine a situation where you meet a person who is just entering the world of blockchain games, you only have one opportunity and a few minutes to convince him that your project is worth getting interested in and investing in, what would you tell him?


We are a team that brings together specialists from the crypto world and the world of traditional gamedev. As a result, we are able to avoid the mistakes that can be made by a team relying only on people from the crypto world who have had no previous experience in game development.

For us, Blockchain is just a technology that we use so that, in addition to traditional players, we can also interest players coming from the web3 world. The premise of our game is a low entry threshold so that any interested person can join at any time without having to know the ins and outs of the technology.

As Pirates of the Arrland project, we are fully transparent for our community and all those who support us. We regularly report on what stage of development we are at and show the functionality we manage to deliver.

One more thing in the end!

It is difficult to interest both players and investors in a single answer, which is why we have separated the two groups, as both can find something for themselves in Arrland Ecosystem.

If you are a gamer, join us and experience the fusion of traditional gaming with the cutting-edge world of blockchain technology. Our game boasts high-quality graphics, deep gameplay, and endless replayability, ensuring that you’ll find a familiar and enjoyable experience.

If you are an investor, take note of our talented team and carefully crafted in-game economy. Our mission is to welcome players from all backgrounds, not just those familiar with blockchain, and offer a chance for everyone to join in on the fun.

Winners Questions

1. Irones

How much does it cost to play any game on the Game platform? Can we experience Game for free?


Yes, you will be able to play for free. For example you’ll be able to rent a pirate.. so you’ll play for free, but you’ll have to share your rewards with the pirate owner.

2. Angelo

What are the attractive features in your project? What is the vision and goals in your project that you want to achieve in 2022 and beyond?


For sure playable version of the game with MOBA, economy and strategy modes. Beyond 2023? Extend our community and gain more and more players to Arrland world.

3. Rebelion

Did you consider community feedback/requests during the creation of your product in order to expand on fresh ideas for your project? Many projects fail because the target audience and clients are not understood. So I’d like to know who your ideal consumer is for your product.


We are in constant touch with our community. We play with them together, hear what they say to us, and answer them. We belive, that we’re doing this together with our community. Every person interested in our project is ideal consumer.

About Synapse Network

Synapse Network is developing a cross-chain investment and start-up acceleration ecosystem based on blockchain technology to give everybody an equal chance to contribute to great upcoming projects and to do so early on. We are bridging the gap between the traditional & crypto market. The idea of the Synapse Network technology goes beyond the standard offer of launchpads available on the market, becoming a true technological brand providing tech solutions.

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