Synapse Wins the War on Bots

Synapse Network
3 min readAug 1, 2021


Fanadise’s token, Fantoken, was launched on Thursday. Synapse’s anti-bot mechanisms immediately kicked in to maintain stability on the market.

Here is our analysis of the listing as it unfolded:

The anti-bot mechanism was configured by the team for 6 minutes and the maximum value of tokens for purchase was set at 33333 tokens. The graph shows the key moments which illustrate how the mechanism worked.

  • The token goes public with a base price of $ 0.15 (1x).
  • Investors, hoping to get rich quickly, buy as soon as it is possible to trade, raising the price for a fraction of a moment to $ 1.1. Approximately 7.3x increase.
  • The price then drops to around $ 0.48 (3.2x), before rebounding to around $ 0.67 (4.46x).
  • The rate then starts to decline and hover at around $ 0.35 (2.3x)
  • Then we jump again to the value of $ 0.55 (3.6x)

Traffic analysis enables us to draw the following conclusions:

  • Traffic that occurred in the first moments was completely organic and consisted of hundreds of purchases by individual investors.
  • None of the investors bought more than the limit, (ie. the anti-bot mechanism worked).
  • The significant drop in the rate was caused by the sale of tokens bought outside the stock exchange, before the DEX entry period. For example, a few larger trades that benefited from a high rate that significantly lowered the rate:

16:19:15 UTC sale of 20,000 tokens (for $ 21,600) — sale at a price of $ 1,023 per token. This resulted in a significant price reduction.

16:19:18 UTC sale of 25,000 tokens (for $ 21 600) — sale only at a price of $ 0.864 per token

16:20:09 UTC sale of 22,500 tokens, sale at a price of $ 0.681 per token

Despite the large drop by investors who bought off the stock exchange, the tokens’ price returned organically to 50% of its ATH about 4.5 hours after the start of trading.

To sum up the traffic analysis — the anti-bot mechanism worked perfectly and prevented major exchange rate fluctuations. The price increase was not too rapid and reached a maximum of around 7.3x, but due to the sale of a very large number of tokens by people who purchased them outside the stock exchange, it dropped significantly. The difference between the initial ATH (highest rate), and the rate that was achieved naturally after disabling the anti-bot mechanism is only 50%. This demonstrates perfectly that the mechanism counteracted non-natural movement.

This success is an important milestone in the DeFi ecosystem. Syanapse experienced team and investment technology are leading the way to protect investors against the loss of funds to bots.

About Synapse Network

Synapse Network is developing a cross-chain investment and start-up acceleration ecosystem based on blockchain technology, to give everybody an equal chance to contribute to great upcoming projects and to do so early on. We are bridging the gap between the traditional & crypto market. The idea of the Synapse Network technology goes beyond the standard offer of launchpads available on the market, becoming a true technological brand providing tech solutions.

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