The first launchpad with fiat payment possibilities!!

Synapse Network
6 min readJan 13, 2022


The Synapse Network has started his work with clear, long term goals planned, one of which is to revolutionize the Digital Market Landscape, and another, maybe even important one, is to create an institution in crypto that merges the best parts of the traditional market with the best parts from the digital one.

We have achieved a lot in the way of these goals, and we are proud to say that we are already looking towards further expansion, but for now we want to give our users a clear view of what synapse does differently.

Let’s start with the investment method itself — the majority of launchpads are using a FCFS solution — First Come First Serve. While this may seem “fair” it actually promotes people with top of the line hardware or programmers who are able to automate the majority of the process and gain valuable seconds over everyone else.

How does this relate to the traditional market? Not much. That’s why the Synapse Network Launchpad offers a guaranteed allocation for each participant or in those specific cases when the allocation is smaller than the number of participants it uses on-chain draw.

Here it is worth pointing out that in terms of transparency the Synapse Network is once again ahead of both the traditional and the Crypto market. Every draw result is conducted on the blockchain and is 100% foolproof, untamperable and easily checked for our users to see.

Another problem is the time-based investment window. Even if a launchpad doesn’t use the FCFS model, very often the allocation they guarantee is only available for a very short period of time — say, 15 minutes to an hour.

Not everyone lives in the same time zone, and even if we did, people have different routines, so for many of us this short period in which we need to be active on a designated launchpad may interfere with our work or personal life, and even if it doesn’t, having to be in front of the computer at any given time is definitely inconvenient.

The Synapse Network offers a 24 hours investment window at least, where it is not the investor who waits for their allocation, but the allocation waits for the investor.

This is something unprecedented in both markets, overclassing the traditional market both in transparency, speed and ease of access, while giving the dust to the rest of the crypto market due to the inherent fairness of the draw, the security ensured to our users and the freedom of investment given by our launchpad.

Launchpads dictate how you should invest — you need to use a specific network and a specific cryptocurrency. What if the investor does not have funds on that blockchain? He is forced to painstakingly bridge tokens. And what if the network just happens to be overloaded? It may turn out that the chance to invest in a project that will change his financial life will be inevitably lost.

All these problems are things the Synapse Network has solved before they even became such- the investors are able to choose from any of the 16 networks already available and from all the stable coins currently in the market.

Moreover, users can even combine investments from different cryptocurrencies and on different chains — what matters is the sum obtained at the end of the investment process. It is worth noting that the number of networks is only increasing, in a short time we will be adding multiple new chains, among which will be the Terra Luna one.

The obvious question that Synapse Network investors are asking themselves is what further plans does the Synapse Network Financial Revolution have? And the answer is coming as promised — The ability to Invest in Fiat currencies.

We understand that this is a great moment in the Synapse Network life and that many projects never reach a point where they are able to add fiat currencies to their platforms, but what does this actually mean for the Network and how does it work?

The process is deeply integrated into our sales process. Let’s look at it. When you choose a network with fiat support you will see an additional icon of a wallet near your balance.

After clicking on it you will go into the fiat payments window:

The first step is to choose the fiat currency you want to change into cryptocurrency

The next step is to provide your email address

Then you need to confirm the code you got on your email — as a security precaution.

Then you will see a confirmation step with your Synapse Network wallet address

After that you need to choose the payment method — you can use Revolut, card payment or even bank transfer. We discourage you from using a bank transfer since it can take longer than the sale total duration.

After that you just need to confirm the order summary.

From now on you will be able to pay with USDC using the Matic network.

What further plans does Synapse Network have?

We know that many people prefer to store their funds in major cryptocurrencies such as MATIC, BNB, Ethereum, Fantom, etc. during periods of market volatility. Therefore, we will soon enable investments directly with the native currencies of the respective network.

This will make it possible for many people to invest without having to exchange cryptocurrencies to stablecoins, while at the same time slashing down any fees needed for a bridge .

We are taking the same approach we took while introducing fiat currencies — the investor will not need to own cryptocurrencies, and will be able to directly use native cryptocurrencies to go invest in the project on Synapse Network, facilitating access for everyone.

Next plans.

The next steps are to allow our SNP tokens to be purchased directly on our platform using other cryptocurrencies first, followed by fiat money.

The end goal is to be able to condense the whole process entirely within a payment card or Revolut use — you simply plug in your card and get tokens, which are then added to liquidity pools and to stake.

Our goal is to simplify the investment process by setting up our purchases in such a way that a person with no experience in cryptocurrencies can easily enter in projects without fear and without the need to accrue years of specific additional knowledge.

About Synapse Network

Synapse Network is developing a cross-chain investment and start-up acceleration ecosystem based on blockchain technology to give everybody an equal chance to contribute to great upcoming projects and to do so early on. We are bridging the gap between the traditional & crypto market. The idea of the Synapse Network technology goes beyond the standard offer of launchpads available on the market, becoming a true technological brand providing tech solutions.

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