Synapse Network
8 min readMar 16, 2022


Could you please introduce a little bit about yourself and about the project? #TimeRaiders at its core is a shoot and loot game. What kind of experience do you want to offer with your game?

Si Bailey

I’m Si, 20 years of games experience.

Simon Bailey Experienced Game Director, Studio Head and Executive Producer of Video Games. A developer, deal maker and co-publisher — focused primarily on Console, Mobile and PC DLC and now NFT markets; 30+ game titles developed and published. I have produced and managed many well-known titles including Scooby-Doo, Doctor Who, Star Wars Clone Wars, High School Musical and Young Indy. Time Raiders is an NFT treasure hunt through time! A top-down loot and shoot, think Diablo with guns! We are offering a mainstream gaming experience while still being able to earn! Imagine a future where you are having fun, completely lost in the game experience, then you come out and you have earned enough money for the day as well! Travel through time to collect rare valuable NFTs. NFTs unlock features, items, levels and missions.

Matthew Nagy

I’m Matthew Nagy. I was the lead designer for Alien Trilogy and Die Hard Trilogy back in PlayStation 1 days. Before forming my own companies. Then I did loads of GameCube and Wii games, before starting to work with Simon. We are making a P2E that is going to be a great Arcade Game experience for people, something that is really fun, that they don’t have to become an expert to play, run around and shoot shoot shoot for loot loot loot.

Can you tell us ways to make money through your game? Please explain to us what the usefulness of a XPENDIUM / $XPND is.

Matthew Nagy

Well, there are actually so many ways to earn in the game, XPND is the in-game currency, it drives everything, you get daily rewards, you earn it from achievements and fulfilling objectives and tasks, you find it in treasure troves, and you can get some drop from enemies you kill, you then go into the Hub in between levels, and there you use a little bit of what you’ve earned or found to upgrade your NFTs, and there you use a little bit of what you’ve earned or found to upgrade your NFTs, through upgrading, you make your NFTs more powerful for in-game use, and thus you make them worth more to sell to others. you pay 1 XPND here, and 1 there for your upgrades to weapons, armour, tech, and even your Raiders, this small expenditure over time makes for better and better and more valuable NFTs

Si Bailey

In-game you can stake a munitions factory, the factory will produce you a unique order for you against your XPND token, you provide a blueprint found in the game and tokens, over time the warehouse will tell you how your order is progressing, your order arrives and you have a unique weapon/crate of hand grenades/tank, you can use in-game add / or sell on the market, also, stake in-game against a companion who will bring you goodies and loot in-game!

Matthew Nagy

Staking is important too, as Simon is explaining, Staking to power up your factories to make NFTs for you or Staking against your Raiders to send them on missions when you’re not using them, to go find treasures for you, ONce you’ve upgraded something to a high enough level, you can even STake the NFTs to ‘rent’ them to other players to earn you some ongoing XPND income, or, when multiplayer is out, you’ll be able to join tournaments and battle against other people to earn, you’ll pay a Fee to enter, but then if you kill just 2 others, you’re in profit, so many ways to earn in-game, whether you play, grind, farm, own land, rent, buy and sell, loads to do.

Si Bailey

Weapons are reputational too. You can train them to increase in value through use. You can name them and sell them. NFTs are rare and have utility, for example, hot air balloons unlock hidden levels, submarines unlocks deep underwater levels, different rewards are provided each time, there is also a staking pool with rewards, thank you!

Let’s talk about your future. Can you tell us what plans you have for the next few years, what you have prepared for your community? Is there anything you can reveal only to us and no one else?

Matthew Nagy

The Roadmap is really strong, as well as an aggressive schedule of new levels to release and then new time periods and new game modes for each level. We are planning Multiplayer next as a major release co-op to have fun with friends, competitive modes and of course player vs player so we can add tournaments there will also be a land sale of the Battle Island Tournament Arena, and the players will earn from others playing their levels, oh, and Mad Scientists! This is a future staking mechanic where the player will stake against their scientists who will produce a Unique NFT blueprint for the player to manufacture in the Factories. Super cool stuff!

Si Bailey

Ultimately we want to put level creation into the hands of the players. we will create tools for the users to make their own game levels and populate them with NFTs

the most popular will win competitions and enter a leaderboard. Time travel levels will be delivered over time. Jurrasic, Rome, WW II, Sci-Fi Future there is something for everyone, you can come across a dead body and the mad scientist can bring them back to life! Or travel through time and meet the dead body before they died! That’s the background we come from making cool stuff for people is where we get our joy if you can make money doing it too then that’s the holy grail for us.

Can you tell us more about your team experience and skills? For sure our whole community to want to meet you better!

Si Bailey

We have 30 devs working on the game most come from a games dev background the blockchain team is also 2nd to none. We have one of the world’s leading security experts in charge and external smart contract audits the game team is made up of artists, animators, designers, programmers and testers, all managed by leads such as Matt and myself.

Matthew Nagy

We are developers, but we are also dreamers… we brainstorm together, bounce ideas off each other, get excited about what we’re producing… we want to make something breathtaking and groundbreaking for P2E, we even call it Play and Earn, as we believe we’re making a work of art for the world, an arcade experience people will hopefully love, and then wake up and say, hey… I love that game… And I just made $1000 from the selling on my Raiders!

Marketing is quite an important part of any company, it also affects the success of the project, can you tell us more about your partnerships, the people who support you?

Matthew Nagy

We have a great marketing and social media team one of the finest I’ve ever worked with.

Si Bailey

The community has grown very quickly we have a list of partners that we will announce very shortly, many of whom have large communities for us to market to major players in the space, we also have contacts in mainstream gaming as we try to crossover

What is NFT for you, what role does this technology play in your game, and how do you want to encourage people not familiar with NFT to play and invest in your game?

Si Bailey

NFTs can be used in the game to unlock, stake against and trade weapons, factories, facilities, vehicles, machines, all NFTs hunt them through time, use them in the game and then sell them for more in the market!

Matthew Nagy

I watched my kids play games and pump time into them, and find rare stuff, and they’d be like this is worth so much dad, and I’d say, can you make money from it, and they’d say, well, No. In Time Raiders, all the cool and rare and powerful items that you find, they have real-world value you can rent them or sell them on and make bucks; XPND. So we wanted to make sure that all the in-game items, they were all NFTs. So people can play and be rewarded and make some money.

If you were to convince the average man on the street that #TimeRaiders is unique and better than others, what would you tell him? Please explain what you find unique about your project, comparing it to other similar ones?

Matthew Nagy

I’d say to the non-crypto gamers come and play a really fun game it’s arcade fun, action run around and shoot stuff blow stuff up and after you’ve played and enjoyed yourself lo and behold you made yourself $20 what’s not to like? I’d also show him the look and feel of whats currently out there and I believe he would see with his own eyes the difference between Time Raiders and some of the other P2E games that are currently on offer.

Si Bailey

I would simply say. Imagine a future where you are having fun, completely lost in the game experience, then you come out and you have earned enough money for the day as well! Making money should be fun! Let’s try and make it a reality! If we could do that I could die a happy man.

Winners questions

1. Jess

Can I rent an NFT with Xpendium? Will the NFTs in the game be a stakable NFT? What role will these NFTs play in-game? Will we be able to generate income by staking them?

Si Bailey

Yes, you can stake against them, rent them and use them in the game. please join our community.

Social Media Links:

Website: https://timeraiders.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/TimeRaiders

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlayTimeRaiders

Discord: https://discord.gg/tMTtksXqax

2. Avery Blaise

Can you tell me more details on the IDO? The schedule and contribution for each?

Si Bailey

IDO is scheduled for the 17th, this Thursday!

3. Ciara Hughes

Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?

Matthew Nagy

We have planned two systems of burn and buyback and burn. We have set expenditure within the game (upgrade system, for example) where all expenditure will be burned but we also have means of buy back and burn into the future o ensure the safety of the value of XPND at market and exchanges.

About Synapse Network

Synapse Network is developing a cross-chain investment and start-up acceleration ecosystem based on blockchain technology to give everybody an equal chance to contribute to great upcoming projects and to do so early on. We are bridging the gap between the traditional & crypto market. The idea of the Synapse Network technology goes beyond the standard offer of launchpads available on the market, becoming a true technological brand providing tech solutions.

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